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Cardiac biomarkers in acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Dilip Jayasimhan, Simon Foster, Catherina L. Chang and Robert J. Hancox

Journal of intensive care  2021Apr26  Vol. 9

Background: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the intensive care unit. Biochemical markers of cardiac dysfunction are associated with high mortality in many respiratory conditions. The aim of this systematic review is to examine the link between elevated biomarkers of cardiac dysfunction in ARDS and mortality.

Methods: A systematic review of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science and CENTRAL databases was performed. We included studies of adult intensive care patients with ARDS that reported the risk of death in relation to a measured biomarker of cardiac dysfunction. The primary outcome of interest was mortality up to 60 days. A random-effects model was used for pooled estimates. Funnel-plot inspection was done to evaluate publication bias; Cochrane chi-square tests and I2 tests were used to assess heterogeneity.

Results: Twenty-two studies were included in the systematic review and 18 in the meta-analysis. Biomarkers of cardiac stretch included NT-ProBNP (nine studies) and BNP (six studies). Biomarkers of cardiac injury included Troponin-T (two studies), Troponin-I (one study) and High-Sensitivity-Troponin-I (three studies). Three studies assessed multiple cardiac biomarkers. High levels of NT-proBNP and BNP were associated with a higher risk of death up to 60 days (unadjusted OR 8.98; CI 4.15-19.43; p<0.00001). This association persisted after adjustment for age and illness severity. Biomarkers of cardiac injury were also associated with higher mortality, but this association was not statistically significant (unadjusted OR 2.21; CI 0.94-5.16; p= 0.07).

Conclusion: Biomarkers of cardiac stretch are associated with increased mortality in ARDS.

Keywords: Acute respiratory distress syndrome, Respiratory failure, Troponin, Brain natriuretic peptide, Critical care

Journal of intensive care  2021Apr26  Vol. 9




方法:Medline、Embase、Web of Science、およびCentralのデータベースのシステマティックレビューが行われました。成人のARDSで集中治療を受けた患者における、心臓機能障害のバイオマーカーと死亡リスクの関連を報告した研究を集めました。主に注目したのは、60日以内の死亡率でした。推定には、ランダム効果モデルが使用されました。出版バイアスを評価するために、ファネルプロットが行われました。コクランカイ二乗検定とI2検定を使用し、不均一性を評価しました。





Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome in Children with Down Syndrome: A Pilot Case-Control Study

Okazaki F, Wakiguchi H, Korenaga Y, Takahashi K, Yasudo H, Fukuda K, Shimokawa M, Hasegawa S. Food

Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome in Children with Down Syndrome: A Pilot Case-Control Study. Nutrients.

2022 Jan 17;14(2):388. doi: 10.3390/nu14020388. PMID: 35057567; PMCID: PMC8780037.

Abstract: Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a non-immunoglobin E-mediated food hypersensitivity disorder. However, little is known about the clinical features of FPIES in patients with Down syndrome (DS). Medical records of children with DS diagnosed at our hospital between 2000 and 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. Among the 43 children with DS, five (11.6%) were diagnosed with FPIES; all cases were severe. In the FPIES group, the median age at onset and tolerance was 84 days and 37.5 months, respectively. Causative foods were cow’s milk formula and wheat. The surgical history of colostomy was significantly higher in the FPIES group than in the non-FPIES group. A colostomy was performed in two children in the FPIES group, both of whom had the most severe symptoms of FPIES, including severe dehydration and metabolic acidosis. The surgical history of colostomy and postoperative nutrition of formula milk feeding may have led to the onset of FPIES. Therefore, an amino acid-based formula should be considered for children who undergo gastrointestinal surgeries, especially colostomy in neonates or early infants. When an acute gastrointestinal disease is suspected in children with DS, FPIES should be considered. This may prevent unnecessary tests and invasive treatments.








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